



Ceretto Aziende Vitivinicole S.r.l., with registered office in Località San Cassiano n. 34, 12051 Alba (Province of Cuneo), Italy, tax code and VAT number: 00217070044, email, as data controller, wishes to herein provide the following information regarding the functioning of cookies on its website This policy is provided for this website and not for any other websites that may be consulted by the user through links present on the website itself.

This Cookie Policy should be read together with the Privacy Policy on the website Reference should be made to such policy for any other information regarding the processing of personal data.



Cookies are small text strings that:

  • websites visited by the User place in the User’s browser when the User visits a site or accesses a social network with their device (personal computer, smartphone or tablet);
  • they are stored by the User's browser and then retransmitted to the same sites that sent them, when the same User visits such websites again.

Cookies contain various information about the User such as the name of the server used or a numeric identifier. Furthermore, they may also contain a User identification code.

Cookies may remain in the User's browser for the duration of a session (i.e. until the User closes the browser used to navigate the web) or for a longer period of time and, in any case, no longer than two years, the so-called persistent cookies.

While navigating a site, the User may also receive cookies on their device that are sent from other companies' sites or web servers (so-called "third-parties"). In fact, it may occur that a web page contains cookies coming from other sites and/or elements (images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains, etc.) that reside on servers other than that of the site visited. Therefore, cookies can be classified as 'first-party' or 'third-party' depending on the website or domain from which they originate. Therefore, first-party cookies are those set and/or managed by the site owner, while third-party cookies are set by a domain other than the one visited by the User.

Certain operations could not be carried out without the use of cookies, which are, therefore, technically necessary for the functioning of the site in certain cases.



Cookies fall into three macro categories:

  • Necessary/Technical Cookies. Technical cookies are necessary to enable browsing on the Internet and the transmission of a communication via an electronic communication network, as well as to provide the User with some of the functionalities made available to them on the site. Without the use of such cookies, certain functions would not be able to be carried out or would be more complex and/or less secure. In relation to such operations, cookies are indispensable as they make it possible to carry out and maintain the identification of the User during the online browsing session. Technical cookies, usually installed directly by the website owner or operator, can be classified into:

    > navigation or session cookies, which ensure normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, authentication to access restricted areas);
    > preference cookies, which store information that modifies the functioning or appearance of the site (preferred language, text and font size, indication of the geographical area in which the User is located). If the cookies are blocked, the browsing experience is less functional but not compromised.
  • Marketing/Profiling cookies. These cookies are used to track the User's web browsing, study their movements and web browsing trends, create profiles on their tastes, habits, choices, etc., including the attitudes and preferences they express as consumers. These cookies also make it possible to transmit advertising messages to the User's terminal, in line with the preferences, previously expressed by the same User, in the online navigation tracked by the cookie sender. Generally speaking, this is what happens when, for example, a User becomes the recipient of advertisements for products related to the type of site visited for the mere fact of having accessed a service site.
  • Cookie analytics. These cookies are assimilated in terms of legal regulation to technical cookies when they are used directly by the site owner to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how such users visit the site. According to the Italian data protection authority (Garante della privacy), these cookies can be included in the category of technical cookies - and, therefore, may be used without the prior consent of the person concerned - if:

    > They are only used to produce aggregate statistics and in relation to a single site or mobile application;
    > At least the fourth component of the IP address is masked in the case of third-party cookies;
    > Third-parties refrain from combining such cookies with other forms of processing or from passing them on to third-parties.

According to applicable legislation and with regard to technical cookies, the only obligation is to provide this policy and no consent is required; for profiling cookies and other tracking tool the prior acquisition of the free, specific and informed consent of the User is necessary for their use.



Cookies have a duration defined by the expiry date or a specific action such as closing the browser set at the time of installation. Cookies can be:

  • temporary or session cookies: these are used to store temporary information, and allow actions performed during a specific session to be linked and are removed from the computer when the browser is closed.
  • persistent cookies: these are used to store information, such as the login name and password, so that the user does not have to type them in again each time they visit a specific site. These cookies remain stored on the computer even after closing the browser.
    At the end of the duration, the user will be shown the banner again, through which they will have to give their consent to the use of cookies. This does not affect the user's ability to change the choices made at any time.



When access is made to the homepage of the Site, a Banner containing a reference to this Cookie Policy will appear in order to inform the user of the consequences of their actions. In particular: - by clicking on ‘Accept all cookies’, the user consents to the use of cookies and other technologies present on the Site;

- by clicking on ‘Accept selected cookies’, the user consents only to the use of the categories and/or cookies selected by them.

In any case, it is possible to change the cookie preferences at any time.

Indeed, the user can block or delete (all or part of) cookies through the specific functions of the Browser they are using. Please note that not allowing cookies may result in the inability to use the Site, view its contents and/or use its services. Inhibiting cookies may result in some services or certain functions of the Site not being available or not working properly and the user may be forced to change or manually enter certain information or preferences each time they visit the Site, such as (where applicable) the data required to complete a contact form. The user can also use their browser preferences to delete cookies which they previously consented being installed.



The website uses the following cookies:

  • Necessary/technical cookies: they help make a website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without such cookies.


  • Cookie analytics:
    Google Analytics: the cookie used by Google Analytics provides for anonymization of the user IP. This is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. ("Google") that uses cookies that are stored on the user's computer to allow statistical analysis in aggregate form regarding the use of the website visited.


  • Marketing/Profiling cookies:
    Google Adwords Remarketing: Google Adwords Remarketing installs cookies to study and improve advertising, with remarketing actions, in order to send the user messages in line with their interests. Remarketing helps reach users who have visited the Site.
    For more information, including on how to disable these cookies, please visit:
    To select/deselect the cookie click here:
  • Google Ads conversion tracking (Google Inc.): Google Ads conversion tracking is a statistics service provided by Google Ireland Limited that links data from the Google Ads ad network with the actions performed within this Application.
    Processed personal data: Usage Data and Tracking Tool.
    Place of processing: USA – Privacy Policy
  • Remarketing with Google Analytics for display advertising (Google Inc.): Google Analytics for Display Advertising is a Remarketing and Behavioral Targeting service provided by Google Inc. which links the tracking activity performed by Google Analytics and its Cookies, with the Adwords advertising network and the Doubleclick Cookie.
    Processed personal data: Cookies and Usage Data.
    Place of processing: USA Privacy Policy – Opt Out



The user may, at any time, pursuant to Article 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 and Articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679, contact the data controller, Ceretto Aziende Vitivinicole S.r.l. at the above address,, to obtain confirmation of the existence of the data concerned and the purposes thereof; information regarding the source of the data; an indication of the logic applied to the processing; an indication of all the elements listed above, as well as the updating, rectification or, when required, integration of the data; the erasure, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law.